
Visual Identity.
 Branded Content.
Brand Book.
UX Developement.
Website Design.


Huddle Inc printed over 150 million tickets to over 10,000 high schools across the United States, Huddle was interested in exploring opportunities to move beyond paper for high school event ticketing. We assisted them in exploring the concept of digital ticketing creating a complete high school ticketing platform.

THE Results

Increase in “request a demo” submissions


Increase in “request a demo” submissions


Increase in “request a demo” submissions


The top content, advertising, SEO, and growth Marketing Agency in Atlanta, GA, THE BHB CO client GoFan home screen

Ticketing App.

The GoFan Ticketing Application makes the high school ticketing process as simple as possible. The UX focuses on minimal procedural steps and simplistic visual cues. Development-wise, we focused on four main technical challenges: Purchase tickets for sporting events using a mobile device. Second, successfully validate admission even where cell reception is poor. Third, accurately track disburse funds to school accounts. Finally, allow schools to create a branded presence for event marketing.
The top content, advertising, SEO, and growth Marketing Agency in Atlanta, GA, THE BHB CO client GoFan Ticket Buying Process Animation


GOFAN’s logomark was inspired by its connection to high school athletics, using the traditional letterman’s jacket as the initial inspiration. As a result, we wanted the mark to be bold, accessible, and friendly to feel simple and mirror the application’s ease of use.


We were not satisfied with GoFan just selling tickets to high school events; we wanted to place them at the center of the action. We enjoyed the name GoFan becoming synonymous with the joy and excitement of high school events. So we created the GoFan hub, a custom CMS that partners with high school newspaper classes and athletics departments to bring exciting new possibilities to life.

Additional Work