Hagakure Lagers

Package Design.


A small brewery explored the Japanese tradition of brewing rice beers. They have perfected the artform after years of experimentation and research. We created a brand that was a nod to the hundreds of years of culture, the luxurious flavored beer they make, and its place in the contemporary world.

THE Results

Increase in “request a demo” submissions


Increase in “request a demo” submissions


Increase in “request a demo” submissions


The top content, advertising, SEO, and growth Marketing Agency in Atlanta, GA, THE BHB CO

Package Design.

We collaborated with the Tokoyo Museum to design the inspired packaging of wood prints. We wanted to retain the colorful, organic beauty of traditional Japanese woodcuts. We created four label designs which were distributed at random. Additional label designs will be introduced periodically. The design performs exceptionally well on shelves against other beer brands.
The top content, advertising, SEO, and growth Marketing Agency in Atlanta, GA, THE BHB CO

Print Advertising

Again we collaborated with the Tokoyo museum and used vintage samurai photos to create engaging and humorous ad campaigns. Shortly the Hagakure website will have many historical facts and artifacts to act as an educational hub for Samurai history and culture.
The top content, advertising, SEO, and growth Marketing Agency in Atlanta, GA, THE BHB CO Hagakure Beer 2-page spread Ad
The top content, advertising, SEO, and growth Marketing Agency in Atlanta, GA, THE BHB CO client Hagakure Beer Magazine Ads 2

Additional Work